BrowseGPT: Automate your browser with AI

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How it works

Give BrowseGPT instructions like "Find a place to stay in Seattle on February 22nd" or "buy a children's book on Amazon", and it will use artificial intelligence to attempt to complete the task for you. BrowseGPT uses Anthropic's Claude 3.5 Sonnet model to process web pages and issue commands like CLICK, ENTER_TEXT or NAVIGATE.

Is it useful? Sort of... sometimes it will get stuck in a loop, click on the wrong thing, or navigate to a URL that 404s. It provides a reason for every decision it makes so you can help it correct course if necessary.

⚠️ This is an experimental extension and should be used with caution. Don't use this on pages with private information, or pages where taking the wrong action could cause a serious problem. ⚠️